A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: subliminal message

The elite don't want you to know God is real

The global elite are now in the process of unveiling that which they have been hiding for centuries. There is a spiritual war taking place on planet earth at this very moment. 

Look no further than the Goothard Tunnel opening ceremony on June 1st in Switzerland. The nearly $9 million dollar occult riddled ritual featured Baphomet copulating with human women, the bride of Satan giving birth, all seeing eyes and an endless amount of other Satanic symbology. Meanwhile over at CERN's Large Hadron Collider project in the same country we see Shiva the God of Destruction standing proudly in front of CERN's headquarters. And the CERN movie 'Symmetry' makes their aims perfectly clear, they are actively trying to break the barrier between that which is seen and unseen. 

Again, the elite seem Hell bent on ushering in their NWO Beast system and at this point they have stopped hiding it. Would it really surprise any of you who understand this information if you were to find out the Darwin's theories on the origins of species are also nothing more than lies based on deplorably bad "science" in order to get the world's population to dismiss the notion of a Creator altogether? If the elite could get the whole world to believe this beautiful planet and all who inhabit are nothing more than a random accident, they could get humanity to lower its spiritual shields thereby making it far easier to usher in the global system they seek, helmed by the one they secretly serve, Satan. Spiritual warfare on planet earth is alive and well - and you have been lied to. 

Author James Perloff joins SGT Report to deconstruct Darwin, and share proof that God is real.

"I ran drugs for Uncle Sam" - San Diego pilot Tosh Plumlee flew narcotics for contras and other warlords

Plumlee worked as a plumber for the Erling Rohde Plumbing Company in La Jolla Owner Mike Clancy made a deal with Plumlee when he hired him in 1985 As long as you finish the job youre on you can come and go

The DC-3 airplane, heavily guarded by uniformed Panamanian soldiers, sat on the far side of the jungle clearing at Penonome, 60 miles southwest of Panama City. Its cargo doors were wide open and chocked tight against the fuselage. The right engine idled slow and rough; the left engine was shut down for the loading operation. Soldiers in two Jeeps outfitted with .50-caliber machine guns guarded the pane fore and aft. One gunner trained his weapon on the loading crew; the other .50-cal was pointed at the cockpit and the unarmed American flight crew.

The pilot, Wayne Howard, stuck his head and left arm out of the cockpit window and waved a small white flag. The soldier in the Jeep waved back and gave a thumbs-up. A line of cargo handlers hurriedly stacked white plastic sacks on pallets; others inside the plane slid the heavy pallets forward and secured them for the 680-mile flight to Costa Rica. [Full article]