Learn how these movies are initiating the masses into a Gnostic worldview that will culminate in a “strong delusion” as the world joins Satan & the final Antichrist in their war on God.
Posts for Tag: subliminal message
How Big Oil conquered the world - the Rockefeller Family
From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the oil industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world. And this is the story of those who helped shape that world, and how the oil-igarchy they created is on the verge of monopolizing life itself.
Don't be fooled into thinking this new world order disaster movie is coming to an end - Neil Oliver
Midsommar: initiation into the ancient religion of the future
Photo of George H.W. Bush at funeral with JFK proves treason
Goddess Diana Rituals and the death of Anne Heche
The Death of Anne Heche has captured the attention of a traumatised yet awakening populous.
Socialism in a nutshell: why socialism fails every time
These Little Ones (2022)
Millions of children vanish each year. 83,000 each month. 2,700 a day. 115 per hour. 1 every 30 seconds. It makes you wonder…where do they all go?
From the producers of “Watch the Water”, directors Matthew Miller Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer tackle the dark underworld of CPS sex trafficking, elite paedophilia, and the shady death of truth seeking icon Isaac Kappy.
Human Life International lists products that use aborted fetuses
Planned Parenthood and Environmentalists have joined forces to save planet earth by controlling global population. In the Planned Parenthood Global booklet titled Health Has No Borders on page 10 describes the intersection of the abortion industry and environmental movement, as a global partnership. [Full article]
Something strange is happening in New York City
Documenting all the strangeness of the New York City Emergency Broadcast PSA’s and advertisements for tap water by the New York City Mayor Eric Adams.