Posts for Tag: puppet masters
Creation of the Birth Certificate Trust
Black Widow breakdown - MK ultra monarch mind control
Leaked document - ‘authorization to administer a poison (COVID-19) vaccine’ - they know it is murder
How your future was stolen 100 years ago
The Federal Reserve, Rothschild, and Vatican banking cartels
No Vatican mentioned in this presentation, but worth watching anyway.
‘Leftish agenda in class’: 15-year-old high school student exposes critical race theory in speech
Queensland Labor Party’s continuing push to depopulate the regions
The Queensland State Government’s push to depopulate the regions has taken another turn for the worse as farmers in the Paradise Dam irrigation area in the South Burnett face irrigation allocations of just 14 per cent, down from a usual 80 per cent. Because of a farcical lowering of the dam wall by the state government owned entity Sunwater, allegedly due to engineering faults, farmers will suffer. Irrigators say it will be the end of the line for many of them. [Full article]
Is the Pentagon running a UFO psyop?
Clearly pilots and others are sincere in reporting anomalies, but why is only the US military having “close encounters”? Why not Russia, China or other countries? And, the space race competition between billionaires heats up.