Not many videos have covered the world's greatest literary villain, but I think even Sauron is afraid of O'Brien. Orwell's character is the most malicious and hateful of all villains and exercise his worship of power for the extermination of the human species the Daleks could only dream of. This chapter is also crucial for understanding psychopathy and psychological warfare.
Posts for Tag: puppet masters
Predictive programming in X-Files - DNA altering smallpox vaccine
They are skull & bones, God is on our side, we know how this ends
John Kerry admits they are making “order out of chaos” for “world order”
Gordon Bowden on bombs, ‘boiler rooms’, paedophiles & David (porky) Cameron
Retired ex-RAF officer and mining engineer Gordon Bowden is already well-known on the internet for exposing the scams going on in high-level public and commercial life. Here he begins to bring organized paedophilia into the frame.
Why are most people cowards? Obedience and the rise of authoritarianism.
In memoriam: the truth about George H.W. Bush
George H.W. Bush is dead at the age of 94 and the mainstream media mockingbirds spent all day singing the praises of this “great man” and 41st President of the United States. But it may surprise some to learn the truth about H.W. and the Bush family. This is the story the mainstream media refuses to share with Americans.
The left's true agenda revealed: Satanic human sacrifice on an industrial scale and the complete decimation of whites, conservatives, Christians and western values
Bravest Qantas pilot speaks about the vax mandate
This is Graham Wood, a 53 year veteran in aviation who has been employed with Qantas for over 32 years. This brave Australian pilot is facing termination for not submitting to the company’s demands of “no jab, no job.”
He doesn’t mince his words when it comes to mandating the jab.