Posts for Tag: pawns in the game
The never-ending list of hypocrisy
Dr. Roger Hodkinson addresses the Edmonton Council chambers
Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr
Commander Carr, the famous author of "Red Fog over America" and "Pawns in the Game" gives a comprehensive political and philosophical overview of the Illuminati-International Banker conspiracy to undermine all nations and create a one world government.
Aborted fetal tissue in COVID vaccine from Astra Zenecca
The rice video - carbon dioxide in perspective
Studies prove without doubt that unvaccinated children are healthier than their vaccinated peers
As doctors, parents and concerned citizens we consistently strive to do what is best for the children in our lives. As of late, with the passage of SB277 in California, the mainstream media has been trying to convince everyone that the vaccinated child is some how a healthier individual and lives a more “disease” free life versus their unvaccinated counterpoint. [Full article]
Catholic church: mother of corrupt Bible versions
6 manufactured problems that will never be solved and are behind 6 major globalist agendas
Problem-reaction-solution, the Hegelian Dialectic is that process the globalist ruling class have chosen to use as the primary tool to constantly change society in the direction they want it to go. They manufacture a problem, focus on that problem, then sell the solution. The solution is always the very thing that drives their plan forward. [Full article]