A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: pawns in the game

Their poisons = our menu from the elites

This is a short clip from the interview published on Jul 28, 2015 (now removed), listen to it and spread the word, this thing needs to go viral, everyone needs to know what they’re doing to us.

This is depopulation 101 – adding poison to vaccines and forcing every parent to have his kid vaccinated as a condition for attending school. These are their ‘slow kill’ methods and I must say they’re working. More and more children are being diagnosed with autism and cancer and we’re being fooled into believing it’s all caused by pollution, unhealthy diets, and the modern way of life.

Dr. Ted Broer was willing to go public with what he’s discovered on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report but they were having difficulties getting their show on air. For an hour they couldn’t resolve the issue, every time they did the line kept disconnecting and their servers were eventually brought down. They finally managed to get him on a secure line and the first thing Dr.Broer said was “I am not suicidal”. He kept pointing this out in case if someone tried to take him out and make it look like a suicide. He was scared that he won’t be able to tell his story and inform the general public but luckily for us he did.

The Clinton crime family - murder and drugs in Arkansas

It appears to be one more case where the FBI has concealed evidence to protect prominent individuals involved in drug-dealing.

On Aug. 23, 1987, the bodies of two teenagers - Don Henry, 16, and Kevin Ives, 17 - were found close to Shobe Road near Alexander, Arkansas. They had been run over by a Union Pacific train. The state medical examiner, Fahmy Malak, ruled that the deaths were accidental - saying the two boys had smoked too much marijuana, and then had fallen asleep on the railroad tracks.

But an Atlanta, Ga., forensic pathologist named Joe Burton said that prior to being run over by the train, Don Henry had been stabbed in the back, while Kevin Ives had been beaten in the face. A grand jury ruled the deaths a double homicide. Deputy prosecutor Richard Garrett and special deputy prosecutor Dan Harmon said the two deaths were related to Saline County drug trafficking.

Now the police chief of Alexander, John Brown, acknowledges he obtained a taped confession from one of the murderers of the two boys. This admission was prompted by criticism of Brown that came from Don Henry's father, Curtis Henry. According to The Benton Courier, Brown acknowledged during his recent bid for sheriff of Saline County:

"Mr. Henry is accurate about losing contact with me in late 1993. During our last meeting, Mr. Henry heard part of a taped confession by one of the persons involved in the murders" (Jerry Breeden, "Brown says taped confession awaiting action," November 4, 1996). The Benton Courier goes on to say:

"U.S. Attorney Paula Casey, contacted at her Little Rock office today, was asked if she was aware of the confession to which Brown refers. " 'I think that, under the circumstances, the best thing for me to say for now is "no comment," ' Casey said.

"Brown's response continues: " 'Until now I have avoided talking about this confession at the request of federal investigators. " ' Because of the magnitude and suspects named in this confession, it was impossible to pursue this case at the state level.

" 'Unfortunately, Mr. [Curtis] Henry contacted another suspect (who was a prominent Saline County resident) and informed him of being named in this confession. Ms. [Judy] Pridgen [Saline County sheriff] and I discussed the matter, and it was decided to immediately cease contact with Mr. Henry. That decision was reinforced by FBI agent Phyllis Cournan, who was assigned to the case. These allegations made me realize that no one has informed Mr. Henry that this confession and the evidence I gathered while working on this case for 18 months corroborated FBI intelligence files. This evidence is what initiated the FBI investigation.' "

So there you have it. The FBI has been sitting on evidence related to murder without even notifying the father of one of the murder victims. But concealing evidence, or else (if need be) manufacturing it, has become par for the course at the FBI, especially where drug-dealers and high-level politicians are involved. After all, they all work for the same masters.