Two brave doctors, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon, have issued a motion for administrative and regulatory action to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) regarding the new mRNA coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech. They warn that the vaccines can attack placenta cells, causing female infertility. The doctors petition for regulatory action that requires confirmation of efficacy end points. The doctors are petitioning the EMA for a stay-of-action, halting the emergency approval of the new vaccines until the companies can correct the study design to ensure covid-19 diagnosis/confirmation of data end points is true, and not based on mere, nonspecific symptoms and false positive high cycle PCR tests. [Full article]
Posts for Tag: msm
Eaters of children, the pedocracy exposed
Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent - documents affirm
5G & CV-19 mRNA vaccine emergency update
They are doing things that should truly scare you
Food Toxins and How They are Killing Us
The amount of toxins we likely ingest on a daily basis is staggering. Their harmful effects are known to the establishment, yet not only are we not adequately warned about them, we are told they are safe. There are actually laws that allow food producers to add chemicals to our food - upwards of 17,000 of them - without telling us, because these additives are toxic and, were we to know they were in our food, it would affect the corporation's bottom line. Since they are not required to tell us what these additives are, I can only speak to what is known for fact. Without even scratching the surface, these are the worst, and their effects on the human mind and body. [Full article]
Red pill your friends: Hollywood
Red Pill Your Friends Vol. 2 is about the inner-workings of Hollywood, Disney, Netflix, and news media–particularly the blurred lines between corporations, governments, and entertainment. (If you’re reading this, I’m on maternity leave, but I’ll be back soon!).
Red pill your friends: the human farmers
Red Pill Your Friends Vol. 1 is about the manipulation of the air we breathe, the food we eat, the remedies we take when we’re feeling ill, and our current status as the human guinea pigs of the world.