A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: msm

Mysterious figure caught in Russian cosmonaut’s helmet in “outer space”

There are a number of strange anomalies regarding different space agencies. One of the less known examples is a reflection of what looks like a scuba diver in a Russian cosmonauts helmet. There are also anomalies in regards to official pictures recorded by NASA of the moon passing Earth. But perhaps one of the most strangest examples is from the European Space Agency where in a live stream the planet earth disappears.

Vaccine companies guilty of silencing doctors and paying UK politicians

This evidence just shows how corrupt these vaccine companies are. It goes all the way to Parliament and MSM. Take a look at this evidence. Court evidence now available on-line at the University of California library shows drug giant Merck systematically targeted hit-lists of doctors to discredit, neutralise or destroy critics of the safety and effectiveness of Mercks drugs.

This is from late 2009 but oh so relevant to date!

Faurisson’s exposure of the holocaust hoax - based on a 4500-word comment by political analyst Luca K

Collage Tablet Magazine original photos Marc DevilleGamma-Rapho via Getty Images Vanderlei AlmeidaAFPGetty Images

In 1951 the Jew Léon Poliakov, who had been part of the French delegation at the Nuremberg trial (1945-1946), stated his conclusion that we had at our disposal an overabundance of documents for all points of the history of the Third Reich, with the exception of one point alone: the “campaign to exterminate the Jews”. For this, he wrote, “No document remains,perhaps none has ever existed” (Bréviaire de la haine, Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1974 [1951], p. 171; English version: Harvest of Hate, New York, Holocaust Library, 1979, revised and expanded edition). [Full article]