A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: msm

Top 20 facts on 5G: what you need to know about 5G wireless and “small” cells

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) estimates that hundreds of thousands of these wireless antennas will be built in our rights-of-way, directly in front of our homes. Communities are being told that it is necessary to build “small cell” towers in neighborhoods in order to offer 5G, a new technology that will connect the Internet of Things (IoT). At every level of government, new legislation aims to streamline (meaning force) the installation of these 5G “small cell” antennas in public rights-of-way. [Full article]

Science Magazine celebrates mass slaughter of human beings, refuses to say it was evil… sounds just like the depopulation eugenics pushers today (2018)

A “science journalist” who writes for Science Magazine wants the world to know that human sacrifice is actually a good thing – just so long as it’s done by people with brown skin (never whites!) who claim it as part of their “cultural heritage.” In a recent tweet about a cover story she wrote for Science Magazine on this topic, Lizzie Wade stated that she’s “proud” to be able to share the news about a recent discovery of the skeletal remains of thousands of people who were sacrificed by the ancient Aztec empire in its former capital city of Tenochtitlan, located in what is now Mexico City. [Full article]

Cheap fake space - made in China

China's space station Tiangong-1 in 2013, the same green screen glitch we have seen from NASA and ESA so often, people don't just appear out of thin air, yet this Taikonot does exactly that. First you can see right through him, then he gets more and more solid as he enters the module.

And why go to NASA for alleged landings on Mars etc., when China's CGI nerds can do it just as good?

Granted, the Chinese moon-cartoon-landing 2019 looked like it was programmed on a Playstation, but the brainwashed masses don't notice stuff like that anyway, so why bother making it any better?

Critical thinking is as good as dead in our societies, and as long as the main stream propaganda machine claims it's real, most of us will buy it hook, line and sinker. In case you didn't note the sarcasm in my words, I am really sorry for you, and I hope and I pray that you will wake up from your deep slumber before it's too late.

If you are one of the many guys calling me a mentally retarded lackwit idiot who should quickly kill hilmself, I am sorry for disappointing you, but I will do nothing like that, I will go down fighting for the truth and not like most of you giving up and defending a giant heap of satanic lies.

NASA and all other space agencies lie, space is fake, Biblical Earth is flat, God almighty is real, and Jesus Christ is our beloved Lord and Saviour.

This video includes official fake space scenes from NASA, ESA, Roscosmos, and CNSA, and some excellent scenes from tellmewhatyoulove, Flat Earth Brothers, and Adventures With Wild Warrior Bill.