A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: msm

CRISPR-cancer link suspected

DNA the code of life itself

Crispr Therapeutics led gene-editing stocks lower after new studies published by Nature Medicine found that cells whose genomes are edited with the CRISPR-Cas9 technology have the potential to cause cancer, Stat News reports. Editing cells’ genomes with CRISPR-Cas9 might increase the risk that the altered cells, intended to treat disease, will trigger cancer, two studies published on Monday warn — a potential game-changer for the companies developing CRISPR-based therapies. [Full article]

A Pennsylvania AMI smart meter survey reports horror stories (2018)

Pennsylvanians literally have been screwed figuratively by their state legislature and legislators regarding the totalitarian approach and mandate to retrofitting health-harming utility [electric, natural gas and water] AMI Smart Meters, specifically through committee procedural actions of soon-be-retired PA House Consumers Affairs Committee Chairman, Robert Godshall, whose son, Grey, works as a Project Manager [per LinkedIn] for Exelon/PECO, the utility company whose utility district is much of SE Pennsylvania and the City of Philadelphia. Any conflicts of interest going on there? [Full article]

Historic win against 5G dangers


Children’s Health Defense earned a huge legal win in the court of appeals this week against the 1996 FCC safety guidance stating that wireless technology is safe unless it raises the temperature of your internal organs. Another step closer to bringing attention to the serious safety and privacy concerns with the mass rollout of 5G.