A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: making a killing

Food Toxins and How They are Killing Us

The amount of toxins we likely ingest on a daily basis is staggering. Their harmful effects are known to the establishment, yet not only are we not adequately warned about them, we are told they are safe. There are actually laws that allow food producers to add chemicals to our food - upwards of 17,000 of them - without telling us, because these additives are toxic and, were we to know they were in our food, it would affect the corporation's bottom line. Since they are not required to tell us what these additives are, I can only speak to what is known for fact. Without even scratching the surface, these are the worst, and their effects on the human mind and body. [Full article]

Former cop tries cannabis as last resort to treat Parkinson’s disease

As research and anecdotal evidence increasingly indicate cannabis has medical benefits, a new series of videos from a man suffering from Parkinson’s disease highlights just how vital the plant can be.

Larry Smith, a former police officer, began to suffer from the debilitating neurological disease twenty years ago. In 2011, filmmakers began documenting his experience for the upcoming film, Ride with Larry. The documentary and accompanying awareness campaign “seeks to enlighten audiences to the human cost of Parkinson’s disease while providing insights into the tangible benefits of an active lifestyle, particularly through recumbent cycling,” according to the film’s Facebook page. [Full article]

Mission: mind control

1979 ARC Identifier 37950, Local Identifier 170.110. Uncovering government agencies (especially the CIA) that secretly tested the effects of LSD on humans. Department of Justice. Drug Enforcement Administration. (07/01/1973 - )