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Posts for Tag: making a killing

From “Event 201” to “Cyber Polygon”: the WEF’s simulation of a coming “cyber pandemic”

Last year, the World Economic Forum teamed up with the Russian government and global banks to run a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, an actual event that would pave the way for a “reset” of the global economy. The simulation, named Cyber Polygon, may have been more than a typical planning exercise and bears similarities to the WEF-sponsored pandemic simulation Event 201 that briefly preceded the COVID-19 crisis. [Full article]

PCR lab visit: whistle-blowers Kevin McKernan, Bobby Malhotra explain why COVID tests are garbage

Dr Naomi Wolf: Opinion.

The entire COVID-19 pandemic policy has been predicated on "COVID Charts" that purport to show waves of "cases", including "spikes" and "hotspots." The entire Western world has been following these charts that allegedly track test results for COVID; policies based on these tests have locked whole nations indoors, isolated elders, kept kids and teenagers out of school, crushed entire sectors and resulted in a massive wealth transfer as distressed assets are bought up by big investors and developers for pennies on the dollar, and as Big Tech and Big Pharma rack up unprecedented profits.

But how accurate are those tests? Several courageous scientists have been coming forward to explain exactly why the main form of COVID test, called "the PCR test", is unfit for any kind of use as a diagnostic tool. Twenty-two scientists signed what's called a "retraction report" to the journal Eurosurveillance, asking for a retraction of the essay by Christian Drosten, advisor to the German government, that initially proposed the use of PCR tests and their protocols, or the "recipe" to use, to diagnose COVID. 

Eurosurveillance had rushed this paper, that went on to form the basis for the whole world using PCR tests, through peer review in a day. The average for that same journal is 172 days.

Two of the signatories, Bobby Malhotra, who was on the Austrian COVID task force, and Kevin McKernan, who directed a research lab at MIT for many years and has 25 years' experience working with PCR tests, gave DailyClout an interview for our Profiles in Courage series, on January 19, 2021.

In this interview, which took place at the PCR test lab in Medicinal Genomics in Beverly, MA, where McKernan is Chief Strategy Officer, the two scientists explain exactly why PCR tests are unfit for use in any way in accurately diagnosing COVID infections.
They point out that the test cycles are set at 40-45 often -- a setting that, as the WHO admitted on Jan 13, 2021, ensures false positives at scale.

They also point out that the PCR tests will pick up any one of four Asian cold viruses (a common cold) and report it as a positive for COVID; that a second step of checking that the result is actually COVID, and not a false positive, is not typically done; they note that the line that indicates "human being" is left out of the PCR test protocol recommended by Drosten, which is why people are getting positive test results when they test, for instance, ice cream cones; and they explain that Dr Drosten did not even have a sample of COVID to use in his protocol and so the test protocol he created was based on a computer simulation.

The conclusion they reach? We can't possibly even know that there has been a pandemic, let alone what its scale has been, since the results of PCR tests to date are "garbage" and need to be thrown out and the whole process begun anew with accurate testing protocols.

They also warn that now that the WHO has told labs to release the CT levels that labs are using to health clinics that ask about them, we are likely to see a "drop" in "infections" which will really just be a change from inaccurate to more accurate test conditions. Most importantly, they warn that the PCR allows a "pandemic" to be dialed up or down at will, by simply adjusting the CT levels.

The courageous scientists also warn that we must learn from this crackdown on rights, never to let this happen again since medical fascism can be enacted at will by manipulating medical data. The men explosively reveal that this is what has happened with this global pandemic -- or what may rather be a global crisis that includes an unnecessary secondary disaster in promoting a faulty test that had led to a massive disruption of human community, kids' education, and crushing of small businesses.

Their poisons = our menu from the elites

This is a short clip from the interview published on Jul 28, 2015 (now removed), listen to it and spread the word, this thing needs to go viral, everyone needs to know what they’re doing to us.

This is depopulation 101 – adding poison to vaccines and forcing every parent to have his kid vaccinated as a condition for attending school. These are their ‘slow kill’ methods and I must say they’re working. More and more children are being diagnosed with autism and cancer and we’re being fooled into believing it’s all caused by pollution, unhealthy diets, and the modern way of life.

Dr. Ted Broer was willing to go public with what he’s discovered on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report but they were having difficulties getting their show on air. For an hour they couldn’t resolve the issue, every time they did the line kept disconnecting and their servers were eventually brought down. They finally managed to get him on a secure line and the first thing Dr.Broer said was “I am not suicidal”. He kept pointing this out in case if someone tried to take him out and make it look like a suicide. He was scared that he won’t be able to tell his story and inform the general public but luckily for us he did.

Genetically engineered trees - the increasing threat

Despite the severe warnings from scientists of the threat to wildlife, biodiversity and ecosystems, Canada continues to permit field tests of trans genetic forest trees. The fear is that these tests are just a prelude to the commercialization of GE trees, which could be catastrophic for the environment.

So far transgenic forest trees have only been marketed in China, but over 250 experimental releases of GE forest trees have been conducted worldwide. Canada has been field testing GE trees since 1997. The research is driven primarily by private business from developed nations, including some of the world’s largest pulp and paper companies.

Greenpeace is calling for a ban on the release of transgenic trees and, as an interim measure, recommends a global moratorium on commercial and large scale experimental releases. In a submission to the scientific body of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Greenpeace provides evidence of the significant ecological risks associated with transgenic forest trees, which are likely to prove unmanageable and irreversible.

One of the biggest threats is that GE forest trees will take over natural landscapes, irreversibly usurping the native vegetation upon which a whole array of other plants and animals depend. Although they are largely intended to be grown on plantations, it is naïve (and irresponsible) to think GE trees will be confined there. Trees typically produce a very large number of seeds, and while most of these seeds are usually deposited in close vicinity, smaller amounts can spread across very large distances. Wind and water also can carry seeds and pollen from trees across great distances, while birds, bats, and small animals help trees to conquer distant habitats. In this way, conifer seeds can travel dozens of kilometres and the seeds from pine trees - one of the most widespread and invasive species as well as one of the species subject to GE research - can be carried up to 30 kilometres by the wind. In particular, trees that have been intentionally or even unintentionally altered with genes to improve their fitness could become more invasive, taking over new habitat and destroying biodiversity and disrupting ecosystems.

The corporate counter to this problem of uncontrollable propagation poses an even bigger risk. GE terminator trees, designed to be sterile would mean no birds, no insects and no mammals that rely on those seeds, pollen and nectar for food. The impact on forest biodiversity would be catastrophic.

Trees also propagate from shoots, and because they breed relatively easily with related species, they would inevitably pass on their genes to wild relatives and transfer their transgenes to micro-organisms.

A number of varieties of transgenic forest trees have been developed to resist insects, including two species of poplar which have been commercialized in China. Although there are no studies of their potential effects on non-target organisms, the fact that they can be affected is apparent from experiences with annual crop plants. Similar effects have also been observed in the soil. GE crops can affect the bacteria, earthworms and soil respiration. Compared to annual crop plants, insect resistant trees offer scope for even more frightening scenarios. The leaves of GE trees planted along a river or the shore of a lake could easily enter the waterways with unforeseeable consequences for the aquatic life.