Former FBI Special Agent John DeSouza joins Maria Zeee to expose the incoming fake alien invasion commonly known as ‘Project Blue Beam,’ as well as the occult, Satanic practices of the unseen global government secretly running the world.
Posts for Tag: hell
Everything Evil Returns for the End (2023)
Former FBI Special Agent Exposes Incoming Fake Alien Invasion, Satanic Globalists - John DeSouza
Divine Intervention
The AI transhuman Alien Invasion Upon Us (2023)
Synthetic Humans and the Nephesh
They've created motherless, fatherless rats, monkeys and humans from stem cells but they can't bring them to life. Could this be why?
The Next Million Years - Global Elite Text in 10 Minutes - Jay Dyer
Today's key text in 10 minutes comes from Charles Galton Darwin, his important work promoting the Darwinian ethos as projected into the next million years - yes, million. This book is Brave New World on steroids.
What is Biblical Cosmology?
What do we mean by 'Biblical Cosmology'? Scripture describes our earth, its face, its pillars, and the firmament. If we were able to behold these descriptions, what would it look like? What is above it, below it, and all around it? This video shows us a view of Biblical cosmology, faithful to Scripture.
The Clinton body count - the syndicate serial killers
This is the definitive documentary on the Bill and Hillary Clinton Body Count list. Over 170 people have died mysterious deaths that knew the Clinton's, were about to testify in regards to the Clinton's or had dirt on them.
Detransitioners warnings: they are going through living hell
And they are doing this to young children. The sick bastards doing this to children need to be tossed into a pit of fire.