Are UFOs real? The mainstream media is serving an abundance of disclosure... Could this be a massive psyop of great magnitude? Should we be concerned?
Posts for Tag: hell
Pope Francis Declares Klaus Schwab is ‘More Important’ Than Jesus Christ
The Fake Alien Invasion – Coming Soon
“Aliens” and “UFOs” are actually ancient fallen angels/demons with an ancient malevolent agenda for mankind.
Bloodlines & Abominations of the Illuminati - Nathan Reynolds
Nathan Reynolds was heir to an illuminati family fortune, but after a childhood filled with unimaginably horrific physical, sexual and mental abuse he learned that the cost of his inheritance would be his first born daughter, and his eternal soul. With the grace of God he escaped, but just barely. This is his story.
Evidence shows Pope Francis is a ‘principal in a cover-up’ of clergy sex-abuse in Chile (2018)
Those familiar with Jorge Bergoglio in Argentina before he became Pope Francis say it is a “classic” move of his to provide “mercy” to clergy who are sexual predators while asking everybody else to simply “move on,” said attorney and child advocate Elizabeth Yore on an EWTN show last week. [Read More]
The House of the Dragon & its Devices - Nathan Reynolds
Humans Are Turning Into Robots - And Here is Why!
In this instalment Jay rehearsed the information from Vietnam I had read and then integrated it into the tech elite's plans for total control.
The Dark World of Mega Churches
The gentleman who made this video is naïve. These evil mega church preachers know exactly what they are doing. They are worshiping Satan. The are casting spells on their congregations. Let there be no doubt.
Mega churches, Televangelists, and the Prosperity Gospel... those were things that James Jani had never heard of before... until he stumbled across an infamous interview with Kenneth Copeland by Lisa Guerrero from Inside Edition.
What ensued after was a dive into rabbit hole unlike any other, from corrupt preachers, to lavish lifestyles, to claims of miracle healings, to cult-ish followings, and New Age/New Thought concepts. This... is the dark world of mega churches.