A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: fear mongering

Top 10 GMO foods to avoid

"Dr. Edward Group and Anthony Gucciardi discuss the top 10 GMO food list to avoid when shopping or otherwise."

Powerful profile of a flu vaccine victim

Barbara Loe Fisher, President of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982 speaks about powerful profile of pertussis vaccine injury in many families.

Merck doctor admits cancer & other viruses found in vaccines

This stunning censored interview conducted by medical historian Edward Shorter for WGBH public television (Boston) and Blackwell Science was cut from The Health Century due to its huge liability - the admission that Merck drug company vaccines have traditionally been injecting cancer viruses (SV40 and others) in people worldwide. This segment of In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism, produced and freely contributed by consumer protector and public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, features the world’s leading vaccine expert, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, who explains why Merck’s vaccines have spread AIDS, leukemia, and other horrific plagues worldwide.