A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: antichrist

The Dark World of Mega Churches

The gentleman who made this video is naïve. These evil mega church preachers know exactly what they are doing. They are worshiping Satan. The are casting spells on their congregations. Let there be no doubt.

Mega churches, Televangelists, and the Prosperity Gospel... those were things that James Jani had never heard of before... until he stumbled across an infamous interview with Kenneth Copeland by Lisa Guerrero from Inside Edition.

What ensued after was a dive into rabbit hole unlike any other, from corrupt preachers, to lavish lifestyles, to claims of miracle healings, to cult-ish followings, and New Age/New Thought concepts. This... is the dark world of mega churches.

How The Few Control The Many - The Swarm - Dr. Shiva

In this eye-opening video, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, engineer, scientist, and inventor, delves into the systems of power, profit, and control orchestrated by a small group of elites. He discusses how interconnected institutions, including academia, NGOs, government, media, and corporations, work together to manipulate and divide the masses. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai emphasizes the importance of understanding the science of systems and calls for individuals to unite, become informed, and actively challenge the status quo.