Virtually all of the reformers and protestants in the past 1500 years considered the bishop of Rome (the Pope) to be Antichrist according to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in both 2 Thessalonians 2 and John’s Revelation.
Posts for Tag: antichrist
Satan can't Stop His Secrets from Being Revealed (2025)
The Identification of Antichrist According to the Great Reformers - Rev. Stephen Hamilton
UFO Alien Deception Plot Rolling Out - Jay Dyer
Meet the New 'Gods' Same as the Old 'Gods' (2024)
Rome's Servants of Antichrist
On this programme we comment on the Presbyterian Moderator (of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland), Dr Sam Mawhinney, joining with the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh, along with other church leaders from various groups. Can and should church leaders join with Roman Catholic leaders?
How the Antichrist Spirit Manifests Modern Entertainment (2024)
Pope: "All Religions Lead to God" - Vindicated Again!
Pope Francis once again dropped a bomb demonstrating and proving everything I said about natural theology and its consequences to Trent Horn and about a thousand other Roman Catholics the last decade.
Does This 2015 TV Show Reveal What is Coming? Aliens or Demons?
What if this is what's happening behind the whole UFO disclosure agenda?
The TV Mini Series was called Childhood's End. It was based on Arthur C. Clarke's novel, the series depicts the peaceful alien invasion of Earth and its consequences for humanity. After peaceful aliens invade Earth, humanity finds itself living in a utopia under the indirect rule of the aliens, but does this utopia come at a price?
Sounds like some bullshit the government would push on us to me.
Source: End Times Productions