A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: yahusha

What is Biblical Cosmology?

What do we mean by 'Biblical Cosmology'? Scripture describes our earth, its face, its pillars, and the firmament. If we were able to behold these descriptions, what would it look like? What is above it, below it, and all around it? This video shows us a view of Biblical cosmology, faithful to Scripture.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) - a defamation & disinfo machine

We've been told that AI is hallucinogenic. It should have license to just make things up. Now it's not just pushing government narratives about pandemics and climate but libelling law professors and labelling innocent people as convicted criminals. Will anything slow down the race between search engine competitors to incorporate it? How about some lawsuits? Who's responsible for its lies in a world when government labels everyone they disagree with as disinfo agents.

Emerging church roots and origins

An examination on popular Christian pastors and what they are preaching. Should you sacrifice doctrine for the sake of church growth and how many ministers are treating their churches as if it was a secular business with profit the end game.