A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: wef

How transhumanism & pharmakeia is tied to "image of the beast"

This Klaus Schwab minion is lying his ass off.

Transhumanism is a technocratic system that is being pressed by the global elitists and especially by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and driver of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that is bringing about the WEF’s planned and orchestrated Great Reset a.k.a. the New World Order.

In the video, scientist and professor, Yuval Harai can be seen speaking about what is taking place in our world today to bring in the final stages of mankind’s rise to power leading to the appearance of the Antichrist before the return of Jesus Christ to judge the whole world and inaugurate the coming millennial Kingdom of God where Jesus will have full power overall. Harari is becoming a world figure revered by leaders and scientists and is deeply involved with Klaus Schwab, the man behind the World Economic Forum. All of this sounds like another worthless excuse for a human that wants to kill us and our way of life.

Governments pay farms to stop farming, EU out of feed, meat taxes & chicken permits

Even as Biden and Trudeau announce food shortages, farmers are being paid to stop farming. Chickens are now “illegal animals” in more municipalities, requiring a permit, “due to bird flu.” The EU is culling livestock as they run out of animal feed, and the Netherlands is seriously considering a meat tax - and yet, there is a resurgence of regenerative agriculture and community victory gardens, as people realize it is up to us to feed our families going forward! 

Christian breaks down the latest developments in the food wars in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

God help us. Hyper inflation is here & it will devastate - Lior Gantz

Lior Gantz returns to SGT Report to warn Americans (and the world) about what is rapidly turning into hyper inflation. The price of gas, oil, iron ore, corn, wheat, soybeans, copper, palladium and nearly every single staple upon which we rely each day is soaring - hyper inflating. In fact, this week the price of nickel was up nearly 100% in a single day. What is now upon us is going to be absolutely devastating.

"Brace for rationing" - food crisis escalates

The food crisis is escalating: more countries are halting exports, but even as the EU converges a food crisis meeting, they refuse to relax restrictions on farmers. Similarly, the US is not waiving biofuel mandates even as grain prices explode. 

Christian explains that this crisis is needed to advance the agenda, and reiterates the priorities for your victory garden to insulate your family and community from this worldwide food crisis. Start growing today.