A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: war

Rothschilds’ world

All parts here.

The Rothschild family are unquestionably the single most powerful family in the world. They are also the owners of the largest central banks in the world, of which includes the Federal Reserve. Their continuing plans for expanding their empire required securing the most influential people and leaders of society. Throughout the 1600’s, 1700’s, 1800’s, and 1900’s, they have by way of their associates and underlings, infiltrated the very fabric of government both here in the America’s and throughout Europe.

The medium they utilized in securing those prominent people was simply greed! Knowing the compulsive greedy nature of humanity, especially those who already tasted success, they capitalized of the human weakness and the fact that everyone has a price. They employed their vast fortune to guarantee unparalleled, uncontested success, fame, fortune and power for targeted prominent members of society, if they only do the Rothschild bidding.

Unpacking the lies justifying the murder of 9 million Germans after WWII

9 million is a conservative estimate... a minimum of 1.5 million German POWs, 2.1 million German expellees, and 5.7 million German residents needlessly died after the war. This is far more Germans than died during the Second World War. Millions of these Germans slowly starved to death while the Allies withheld available food. The majority of these postwar dead Germans were women, children and very old men. [Article here]

Scriptural identification of The Woman in Revelation 17:1-3


Seated on the beast: The woman represents a church; a pure woman in white indicates a pure church. A  scarlet colored woman depicts impurity, such as a whore, or an apostate church. She’s also sitting (riding) on a scarlet beast, civil authorities, by which she is upheld and controls for her own purposes – as a rider controls the animal upon which it sits. Thus the End Times Apostate Beast (Governmental) system has absolute control of the New World Order.

Holding golden cup: She holds a cup in her hand from which she causes the inhabitants of earth to drink and become drunk with the wine of false doctrines. This wine represents deceptive false principles and policies from which the inhabitants of earth have become drunk (mentally unstable) leading to universal breakdown of law and order.

Mother of harlots: She is called this because she is riding the beast (demonic governmental system) and as a result of the Ecumenical Movement, all religious systems of earth have joined hands with her (committed fornication) in religious unity of  false doctrines held in common.

Deadly wound was healed: The Papacy’s “deadly wound” inflicted in 1798 (by Napolean) has been completely healed (Napolean’s  general marched into Rome and took the Pope prisoner; he subsequently died while imprisoned). She rules the entire world. (Revelation 17:8) “…behold the beast that was, (538-1798); “and is not, (1798-1929); “and yet is.” (1929 till present)

Color of dress: Red (or scarlet) the official colors of Papacy and church pageantry; red carpet roll-outs for those serving the Beast system as Royalty (Satanic Bloodlines) politicians, entertainers (Mind Kontrolled Slaves) etc.
Full of Names of Blasphemy: The Pope blasphemes God by referring to himself as Supreme Pontiff (Pontifex Maximus) and Vicarius Fili Dei — also by changing Divine Laws, by removing 2nd Commandment and changing 4th Commandment, thus the 7th day, Holy Sabbath Day, has been changed to false 1st Day — Sun-day worship in accordance with pagan rituals.

Drunken with blood of Saints: This is in reference to centuries of Jesuit-Papal genocidal campaigns (Inquisitions) that continue present day — using demonic powers, black magik and technology such as H.A.A.R.P controlling weather. This weapon causes earthquakes, tsunami’s, fires, to rid earth of her enemies (heretics) who will not bow to Papacy. She has amassed immense power via her Unified Intel Agencies and  Military branch, executed from the Pentagon, based in her XIVth Amendment created City State of Washington DC, her Papal Knights worldwide (Generals/Admirals) have sworn allegiance to the Whore of Babylon…

Will make war with Christ at Armageddon: Paul speaks of the “Mystery of Iniquity” working already in his day (2 Thessalonians 2:7)  which will attempt to fight Messiah in His return in this final battle…