A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: vaccine induced AIDS

Danger in the skies

FAA lowers bar on heart health for pilots? Medical tyrants caught on camera. Pfizer caught shifting goalposts, again. New Legislation targets CDC, WHO overreach. Cochrane review shows masks didn’t work, but this vitamin does. How did Del get so fit?

Terrifying findings in global vax extermination agenda

Dr. Shimon Yanowitz is here to reveal what specifically is causing vaccine shedding (transmitting) and making the unvaxxed ill.

Hydrogel technology produces fumes which irritate the eyes, burn skin, and are toxic.

Vaccinated people can shed their toxins on the unvaxxed by simply breathing on them.

This nano tech is designed to spread from person to person as part of a forced inoculation scheme.

Sudden deaths continue to explode at the beginning of 2023

"Sudden deaths" of children and young, previously healthy people, continue to be reported here at the beginning of 2023.

From celebrities to athletes to children, those who trusted in the COVID-19 shots continue to drop dead in unprecedented numbers, while the corporate media and the U.S. Government continues to try and dispute that these deaths have anything to do with the "vaccines." 

There is only one thing that is certain: if you refuse the vaccines, you cannot die from being injected by them.

Here is a short video collection of obituaries of those who have died suddenly within the past few weeks.