Dr. James Thorp is a fighter and he can’t be bought. He has 40 years of experience and he’s got the goods on Pfizer and the death cult that pushed the bioweapon of humanity. These are the facts and the facts are beyond dispute. Powerful forces entered into a covenant with death – and this is the real story about the bioweapon masquerading as a "vaccine."
Posts for Tag: vaccination
Digital ID: They Actually did it! What the EU Just Announced is Terrifying
EU Declares Citizens Who Refuse Bill Gates Digital ID will be Excluded From Society
Synthetic Biology Transhumans and 10G
"I am Saddened to have to bring you this most disturbing, but truthful news...it is critical that we keep our blood pure.
"I am Saddened to have to bring you this most disturbing, but truthful news...it is critical that we keep our blood pure.
The video is less than 4 minutes of your time. I cover this in my AI book just released and it is very real as to their devils agenda on humanity - https://rumble.com/v3u57e8-watch-this-like-your-life-depends-on-it-synbio-transhumans-and-10g.html
Why are they now promoting 10G on all ads - naseum? That is double the power of 5G?
Why are AI ads appearing everywhere and why are they giving out free phone upgrades with no contracts? Because they are about to flip the switch on humanity and everyone must be connected to alter humanity.
It is essential that we get back to the gardens and do not get any vaccines - no matter what!!!
Resistance and Self Reliance is now Mandatory to survive the synthetic biology take over of all humanity as I write in
My AI book: https://planetruthblog.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/aa-ai-takeover_int_color_printer_102323.pdf
Remain Human - Unite!
Scaler Weapons & the Silent War - Deb Tavares
Deb Tavares returns to SGT Report to expose the silent weapons for quiet wars which have been unleashed on humanity. From Turkey to Maui to Acapulco, no one is safe from the rulers of the darkness of this world who are beholden to a radical intelligent evil.
Ethylene Oxide (EO) – Medical Devices - Polymerisation
Link package:
Ethylene Oxide (National Cancer Institute):
Ethylene Oxide Gas Sterilization of Medical Devices
The Base-Catalysed Reaction of Ethylene Oxide with Alcohols
Preventing Medical Device Shortages by Ensuring Safe and Effective Sterilization in Manufacturing
Dual Port with Q-Syte, 18G x 1.75"
The Forces of the Beast are Forming for the End (2023)
Patient Labs That Finally Revealed the Cause of Their Symptoms + New Parasite Findings in the Jabbed
AI as the New God! The Emerging Beast System - Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer breaks down Harari and company's theories about the future of AI and the plan to unveil a new type of religion with new sacred texts written by AI. Will you be getting the ChatGPT Study Bible?
Nano Neuroweapons Apocalypse - Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet
5G, smart dust, nano-neuroweapons and nano-neuroparticulate agents are no longer the realm of science fiction. The technology exists and it has been unleashed on the battlefield which is in your state, city and neighbourhood... Because you are the enemy. Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet are back with the facts.