A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: vaccination

They are descendants of Cain, and they worship Satan - Dr. Len Horowitz

Dr. Len Horowitz returns to SGT Report with some jaw dropping bombshells. Not only does Len know Tony Fauci personally, he believes Fauci is not only a psychopath, but a man who has also given himself over to a demonic influence. Len also explains exactly who the enemies of humanity are and from where they derive their evil earthly powers. The good news is, they can and will be defeated.

Fast-acting cancers after monoclonal antibody treatment – Dr. Carrie Madej

First, the public was told that treatment with Monoclonal Antibodies (MAB) was the “miracle cure.” The federal government covered the cost ($3,000 to $5,000) per dose of the drug. What could go wrong?

According to Dr. Carrie Madej, (https://www.carriemadej.com/) the result of (MAB) is an uncontrollable, fast-acting, metastatic cancer (stage IV) within 1 to 3 years after treatment.

This interview also looks at the spiritual war that humanity has been forced to engage in for the past two years, with more years to come.

Original Source - The J.D. Rucker Show - The Midnight Sentinel - uploaded Jan. 28, 2022 on Rumble.

5G kill cities: innovating depopulation

Words of warning about Rothschild, smart cities, UN Agenda 2030 and the 5G kill grid from Deborah Tavares. The evil is real, so is the conspiracy. Pass it on.

CV-19 Jabs are Intelligent Targeted Bioweapons - Dr. Robert Young

Explosive news that the COVID Vaccines have been biochemically designed to target specific organs, given that they are now causing specific adverse effects involving specific organs - such as the reproductive organs, heart, brain, blood, etc. 

Dr. Young shares his experience over 40 years of formulating targeted nutraceuticals which use specific polynucleotides - genetic material, taken from animal tissue to send herbal nutrition to specific organs; it is this same methodology, he says, using fetal organ cells and animal organ cell lines, undisclosed, kept hidden as trade secrets, which is being used in vaccines for a deleterious purpose, to harm and sterilize. 

Variability of toxicity across batches and selection of batches for targeted reasons - labelled, recorded, and structured by the vaccine-maker scientists conducting these horrific experiments is the other end of this scenario. This is why we are seeing a rise in myocarditis in boys taking the vaccine, and miscarriages and menstrual changes in women taking the vaccine. 

This information is borne out by Professor Sir John Bell of Oxford who was recorded saying that 60-70% sterility is intended by the vaccines. Dr. Young also reads a powerful statement summing up the ongoing experimentation and transhumanizing agenda and encourages people to stand up, to say NO, to not comply with diabolical military and bankster agendas to insidiously destroy humanity.