Posts for Tag: vaccination
This doctor says our bodies are hard-wired for cannabis
How does cannabis work therapeutically? As more states vote to legalise medical cannabis, we wanted to learn more about the potential therapeutic effects of cannabis, and its most active constituents, cannabinoids.
When speaking with Dr. Dustin Sulak of one thing becomes quickly evident: cannabis has a profound influence on the human body. Below, Dr. Sulak explains how human bodies are hard-wired for the chemical compounds found within the cannabis plant. [Full article]
Monkey hoax: international health plandemic for global serfdom
Do the CV-19 jabbed have programmable zombie brain implants?
UK Data: 1 in 246 Vaccinated People Died Within 60 Days of CV-19 vax
I bet you don't know this about the scarf lady - Deborah Birx unmasked
Study finds cannabis reverses aging processes in the brain
The movement to free up the weed is growing, thanks in large part to an ever-growing body of scientific research disproving the U.S. government’s assertion that cannabis has no medical value. Research has proven that medical cannabis has a positive effect in the prevention and treatment of cancer, as well as having a clear benefit for seizure patients. The benefits of cannabis on the human brain are still being outlined by medical research, and in a recent study, scientists at the University of Bonn concluded that it can help reverse the aging process in the brain. [Full article]
The Controlled Demolition of Everything
Doctors confirm woman beats cancer with natural supplement after she stops chemotherapy, takes turmeric
A woman who battled blood cancer for years without success finally halted the disease with turmeric, it has been reported. Doctors say her case is the first recorded instance in which a patient has recovered by using the spice after stopping conventional medical treatments. [Full article]