The following is a compilation of clips from The Daily Wrap Up's ongoing coverage of the Ohio chemical disaster.
Posts for Tag: vaccination
Danger in the skies
FAA lowers bar on heart health for pilots? Medical tyrants caught on camera. Pfizer caught shifting goalposts, again. New Legislation targets CDC, WHO overreach. Cochrane review shows masks didn’t work, but this vitamin does. How did Del get so fit?
A Golden Idol for the Fall of Babylon (2023)
Devastating dioxin exposure from Ohio train train wreck burn will contaminate food, farms and families for years to come
Listen bucko, is Jordan Peterson a controlled opposition? Answer comments & going in to more detail
The children of darkness vs. the divine - Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Dr. Andrew Kaufman returns to SGT Report to discuss the spiritual battle between what Archbishop Vigano calls the children of darkness and the infinite Divine, God Himself.
The Ohio event is far worse than mainstream media is saying
Terrifying findings in global vax extermination agenda
Dr. Shimon Yanowitz is here to reveal what specifically is causing vaccine shedding (transmitting) and making the unvaxxed ill.
Hydrogel technology produces fumes which irritate the eyes, burn skin, and are toxic.
Vaccinated people can shed their toxins on the unvaxxed by simply breathing on them.
This nano tech is designed to spread from person to person as part of a forced inoculation scheme.
This is the truth they've been hiding for centuries - Dr. Len Horowitz
Dr. Len Horowitz returns to SGT Report to discuss the truth about the divine and the reality of being a spiritual being in the world, created in God’s image. This is the truth they’ve been trying to hide from us for centuries.