Posts for Tag: vaccination
The end game, synthetic biology exposed - Celeste Solum
In one of the most important interviews ever conducted by Zeee Media, Celeste Solum joins us. Celeste exposes the totality of the agenda surrounding nanotechnology being embedded into humans, animals and plant life to destroy and replace all biological lifeforms from God's natural creation with synthetic biology.
Vaxxed: the global epidemic of sudden deaths - Dr. William Makis
Canadian doctor William Makis joins SGT Report to discuss the global epidemic of sudden deaths and to expose Pfizer and Moderna for the crimes against humanity which are undoubtedly tied to the mRNA bioweapon masquerading as a "vaccine".
Rich creeps want to live forever - bio tech cultists and their war on death
Peter Thiel thinks death is avoidable, SENS Foundation wages "War on Aging" & Young Blood transfusions are a business now.
Gassings in hospitals & quarantine camps: hot mic & two whistleblowers reveal utter depravity
You won't believe where AI tech is heading in the near future!
Scientists at the University of Texas in Austin have trained artificial intelligence (AI) to read a person's mind and turn their innermost thoughts into text.
Three study participants listened to stories while lying in an MRI machine, while an AI 'decoder' analysed their brain activity.
They were then asked to make up their own story, and the decoder could then turn the MRI data into text in real time!
Meanwhile one of the world’s foremost architects of artificial intelligence Geoffrey Hinton known as the “Godfather of AI” recently quit his job at Google to warn the world about the potential dangers of AI while suggesting it could someday take over the world and push humanity toward extinction.
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth looks at the latest developments (that we’re aware of) in AI and where all this could soon be heading in the not so distant future!
DNA contamination in covid injections, genetic barcodes & the ongoing covid illusion coverup
Feminism to transsexualism, and beyond
There's a growing techno-immortality cult that wants us to abandon biology in order to live a synthetic digital life. Did it all start with feminism? - Polly St. George @ AMAZING POLLY
The WHO pandemic treaty will change everything
British MP Andrew Bridgen is trying to warn us about the World Health Organization's pandemic treaty that will erase all government and sovereignty as we know it. Do any politicians care? This will literally give government power to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other wealthy donors vested in experimental medicine. He calls for a referendum vote on the matter but no one else seems to be alarmed.
Welcome to America's collapse - Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet
Our beloved Republic is rapidly approaching the point of no return, a state of total collapse. With blacks turning against whites, and against each other, with trans insanity and wide open borders amidst a currency on the verge of hyper inflating, you dear patriot have a front row seat to the collapse of America. Attorney Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet return to SGT Report to discuss the latest.