Posts for Tag: utopia
The dystopian world of 1984 explained
The veil between the ‘computer-generated dream world’ and reality is disappearing
5G kill cities: innovating depopulation
We were warned about computer driven self-fulfilling prophecies
The 5G vaccine zombie apocalypse (2022)
Do not question the mass formation psychosis
Metaverse: why the future doesn't need us - essay analysis
Smart Meters Responsible for Tidal Wave of Mysterious Illnesses Due to EMFs
In recent years there have been increasing reports that “smart meters” – the digitized electric meters that are designed to send usage figures to power companies wirelessly – are causing a range of health issues among a growing portion of the population where such devices are in use.
In fact, notes the EMF Safety Network, a growing number of people from around the world are beginning to report health problems they believe are related to an increased amount of wireless radiation from various devices, including smart meters.
“Utilities claim smart meters are safe, and compare them to cell phones. However, cell phones, cell towers, wi-fi and other wireless devices can also affect your health,” the organization states on its website. “Reducing your EMF exposure can benefit your overall health and wellness.”
The group also notes that the World Health Organization has classified radiation as a 2B carcinogen, and based that declaration on studies that have linked cell phone radiation to brain tumors. [Full article]