A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: turbo cancers

The Vax Changes Your Heart's Metabolism & Worse

This show previously aired on 11/07/2023

Dr. Peter McCullough talks about disturbing new studies on the vaccine. Dr. Robert Malone says there is no evidence that the current boosters are "safe and effective" against the dominant HV.1 variant.

MIT Exclusive: Record Vax Death Data From Three Countries - Steve Kirsch

Data bombshell from Steve Kirsch in speech at Kirsch Auditorium at MIT. 

Watch an exclusive special episode of VSRF LIVE as we come LIVE from Kirsch Auditorium at MIT for a speech by VSRF Founder Steve Kirsch where he will deliver a data drop that according to Dr. Pierre Kory has the potential to change the entire narrative on the Covid-19 vaccines. The record level data will be revealed for three countries.

Pfizer & the Covenant With Death - Dr. James Thorp

Dr. James Thorp is a fighter and he can’t be bought. He has 40 years of experience and he’s got the goods on Pfizer and the death cult that pushed the bioweapon of humanity. These are the facts and the facts are beyond dispute. Powerful forces entered into a covenant with death – and this is the real story about the bioweapon masquerading as a "vaccine."

Is the Covid Vaccine Causing Turbo Cancers? - Del Bigtree Interviews Dr. William Makis

Oncologist and cancer researcher, Dr. William Makis, is sounding the alarm on the sudden rise in “turbo cancers”, a recent term coined for the incredibly fast growing cancers found in COVID vaccinated individuals. Hear what the early data is showing in the causal relationship with the vaccine and the struggles doctors are having treating these patients.

Stew Peters Presents The Documentary - Final Days

From the directors of Died Suddenly’: Final Days’ Exposing the scientific technological elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come.