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Posts for Tag: transhumanism

Transhumanism is Satanism With a Brain Chip - Timothy Alberino & Joe Allen

Timothy Alberino and Joe Allen discuss the satanic roots of transhumanism. Quote from Joe Allen's article: Technology has inspired a dark religion, obsessed with power.

This is mechanical sorcery for the modern adept on the go. Through its miracles, the naked ape is granted clairvoyance (weather apps), telepathy (texting), remote viewing (surveillance cameras), deadly curses (autonomous drones), and even tantric rites (sexbots).

Transhumanists are reaching for loftier powers, though-virgin birth from artificial wombs, virtual astral planes, sentient social robots, and deified artificial intelligence.

TIME magazine’s “Transhuman of the Year,” Elon Musk, warned that the runaway advance of artificial intelligence is “summoning the demon.” The mother of his child, a techno-pagan known as Grimes, has even written hymns to this Super Computer God.

Worried that Homo sapiens will soon be overshadowed, Musk is pouring money into an implantable brain-computer interface, Neuralink, so we may commune with this AI deity. Looking far down the road, the most ambitious transhumanists long to transcend death itself through radical life-extension, or even mind uploading—the replication of your soul’s pattern in immortal silicon.

It’s like Instagram, only forever. Anytime the gods demand sacrifice and devotion, transhumanists demand immediate gratification. If that means storming the gates of heaven with brain-implants and hoverboards, then so be it.

“Liquid Interface”: Humans have been Implanted by Another Species Through Vax Nanotech

After scientifically observing what they called “vaccines” under the microscope, La Quinta Columna concludes humans have been injected with what they are calling a “liquid interface” of a massive implantation of the humans species by another species, which they suggest are demons.

Hope and Tivon do a review and English translation read of La Quinta Columna's video and provide supporting documentation to back up what they are saying and help to explain what is being done to the human race.

Lucifer Through the Looking Glass

This video shows connections to CERN-D.Wave-Quantum Effect/Mandela Effect and the symbolism right in front of us, telling you what the enemy is up to that most don't see coming.

The Dark Side of Smart Meters

In this invitational presentation to the San Francisco Tesla Society consulting engineer Rob States explains how PG&E’s so-called ‘smart’ meters work and why they endanger health and privacy. He asks the obvious question, “Why would you trust the company that brought you Prop. 16?”

U.N. Planetary Emergency Coming! False Flag Climate Tyranny

Globalists are about to meet this fall to plan a “Technocratic Takeover.” That is what our guest Derrick Broze calls the upcoming United Nations Meeting called “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the so-called “Pact for the Future." It is expected to declare a “planetary emergency.” We don't like the sound of any of that! Broze is an independent journalist who writes for TheConsciousResistance.com and he joins us to discuss this.