Posts for Tag: transhumanism
This could end western society as we know it
The end game, synthetic biology exposed - Celeste Solum
In one of the most important interviews ever conducted by Zeee Media, Celeste Solum joins us. Celeste exposes the totality of the agenda surrounding nanotechnology being embedded into humans, animals and plant life to destroy and replace all biological lifeforms from God's natural creation with synthetic biology.
Vaxxed: the global epidemic of sudden deaths - Dr. William Makis
Canadian doctor William Makis joins SGT Report to discuss the global epidemic of sudden deaths and to expose Pfizer and Moderna for the crimes against humanity which are undoubtedly tied to the mRNA bioweapon masquerading as a "vaccine".
Self-governing neural networks
Rich creeps want to live forever - bio tech cultists and their war on death
Gassings in hospitals & quarantine camps: hot mic & two whistleblowers reveal utter depravity
You won't believe where AI tech is heading in the near future!
DNA contamination in covid injections, genetic barcodes & the ongoing covid illusion coverup
Feminism to transsexualism, and beyond
There's a growing techno-immortality cult that wants us to abandon biology in order to live a synthetic digital life. Did it all start with feminism? - Polly St. George @ AMAZING POLLY