A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: there is nothing out there

Ex-Jesuit’s book (Monita Secreta) reveals true agenda

A code of instructions alleged to be addressed by Acquaviva, the fifth general of the Society, to its various superiors, and laying down the methods to be adopted for the increase of its power and influence. According to them, every means is to be employed of acquiring wealth for the order, by enticing promising young men to enter it and endow it with their estates; rich widows are to be cajoled and dissuaded from remarriage; every means is to be used for the advancement of Jesuits to bishoprics or other ecclesiastical dignities and to discredit the members of other orders, while the world is to be persuaded that the Societies animated by the purest and least interested motives: the reputation of those who quit it is to be assailed and traduced in every way.

Bombshell military eyewitness deathbed confession: “they faked it”

Bart Sibrel joins SGT to discuss his new book ‘MOON MAN’ which exposed the faked Apollo moon missions. This highly revealing information was provided to Sibrel by the Chief of Security of a secretive military base where the moon landings were filmed, who finally confessed his regrettable participation in this despicable government fraud on his deathbed.

The man on the Moon & other deep woo

David Weiss and Jeran from the Jarenism YouTube channel join SGT to expose NASA's dubious claims, the Apollo hoax and to explore all realms of woo in this far reaching, sure to be controversial conversation.

One giant hoax for mankind?

Bart Sibrel the producer of the documentary 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon' joins SGT to discuss YouTube censorship, NASA and its supposed Apollo moon missions, SpaceX and more.