Posts for Tag: the beast system
The world is at war and no one knows it
The net: the planning and building of a scientifically controlled world order
2003 documentary by Lutz Dammbeck. Subtitles in English.
The pandemic is a test run
Human 2.0 a wake up call to the world
This is how you will access food in the future
They want to microchip protect them 🙄
In this video, Gonz talks about how his recent criticism of QAnon was justified in the story this week about Netanyahu wanting to microchip kids to ensure social distancing in Israel. Along with the UN 2030 agenda about fixing the world for “sustainability,” it seems the play here is to really get the “woke” crowd on-board the system that will help fix or eradicate the old corrupt system. And to show how detached the elite are in this thinking, whether they are on the satanic side, or the luciferian side, I point out how Netanyahu suggested that microchipping children will not be an invasion of privacy. Really? Microchipping children isn’t enough of an invasion of privacy? Jesus said the path is narrow. He meant it!Â
Microchip vaccine implants to fight coronavirus