A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: test run

Sudden death “epidemic” tied to jabs is “national security issue” - Ed Dowd

The massive increase in all-cause mortality including among young and healthy populations—and sports figures—is a national security crisis that must be urgently investigated as people continue dropping dead or becoming disabled, warned former BlackRock investment manager and number cruncher Ed Dowd in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. 

Dowd, who recently testified in a hearing organized by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), said the insurance data doesn't lie. In his new book "Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022," the founding partner with Phinance Technologies highlights the numbers that should be extremely troubling to anyone coming from multiple sources.

Gene 1P36

Some elements in this video may hold truth.

Mass media deceptions Ukraine bioweapon? ‘Mutated H1N1’ swineflu, no cure, no vaccine, pneumonic. (2009)

RELOADED from my previous blog, 12 November 2009! A dozen of links that were coupled with this video no longer valid to look at H1N1 claims.

The so-called 'mutated flu’ that our governments have been promising us for months is here,thanks to Baxter International. In August 2009, Mossad microbiologist Joseph Moshe called in to a radio show saying he had knowledge of a bioweapon being made in Ukraine by Baxter International and was going to go to the US government about it. He was intercepted before he had the chance.

Now, what he had foretold appears to be manifesting in the exact country in which he said it would.