Posts for Tag: terror
A brief history of weather modification
Speech by war veteran
Hillary Clinton: a career criminal (2016)
Public Schools Produce Dumb Kids No Wonder So Many Are Socialists, Says Walter Williams
Do you wonder why Sen. Bernie Sanders and his ideas are so popular among American college students? The answer is that they, like so many other young people who think they know it all, are really uninformed and ignorant. You say, “Williams, how dare you say that?! We’ve mortgaged our home to send our children to college.” Let’s start with the 2006 geographic literacy survey of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs.
Less than half could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map. Sixty percent could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map of the Middle East, and three-quarters could not find Iran or Israel. In fact, 44 percent could not locate even one of those four countries. Youngsters who had taken a geography class didn’t fare much better. By the way, when I attended elementary school, during the 1940s, we were given blank U.S. maps, and our assignment was to write in the states. Today such an assignment might be deemed oppressive, if not racist. [Full article]
The popes are Caesars
Like the Babylonian emperors and the Roman Caesars before them, the pagan Roman Catholic popes were seated on the throne of Satan, and possessed the title Pontifex Maximus (Supreme Pathfinder… The pope, Baker’s Pocket Dictionary of Religious Terms) as displayed on a medal portraying Pope Leo X (1513-1521 A.D.) with the inscription “Pont. Max.”
Further evidence supports the fact that the papal office is the pagan Babylonian priesthood. Roman Catholic popes not only bear the title Pontifex Maximus and are seated on Satan-Nimrod’s throne, but they also wear the scarlet robes of Nimrod and the miter of the fish-god Dagon, plus they carry the shepherd’s crook of Nimrod and the mystical keys of Janus and Cybele, who were the pagan god and goddess representing Nimrod and Semiramis respectively (Babylon Mystery Religion, pp. 83-90, The Two Babylons, pp. 206-218).
The Roman bishops wore only white robes until they received Satan’s throne and the title Pontifex Maximus (ibid., p. 111). Roman Catholic popes and cardinals now wear the scarlet robes of Nimrod. The shepherd’s crook or crosier carried by the pope is the magical crook traced directly to Nimrod who was the first shepherd king (Baker’s Pocket Dictionary of Religious Terms, entry “Crosier”; The Two Babylons, p. 217). The miter worn by the pope represents the mouth of a fish and was worn by the pagan Philistine fish-god Dagon (The Two Babylons, pp. 216-217), which is another name for Nimrod (ibid., pp. 114, 215, 252). Also, the tiara worn by the popes is identical in shape to that worn by the Philistine fish-god Nimrod (ibid., pp. 216-217).
The Hierarchy of the Roman Empire now called the Roman Church.
Vatican City is a landlocked state within the city of Rome, Italy. It is governed by the Bishop of Rome (called the Pope) are in fact clergymen.
It is the smallest sovereign state in the world.
Caesar Constintine began the “corporate takeover” by renaming all the old Roman offices, this evolution of name changing still occurs. Name changing allows a person to hide their tracks of origin.
Roman Empire offices & their modern names: Roman Empire (Imperium Romanum) renamed: Roman Catholic Church
Curia (legal body of Senators) slight name change: Curia (legal body of Cardinals)
Roman Emperor renamed: Roman Pope (head of all church and state affairs)
Civil government matters of state: Extra-Ordinary affairs (matters of civil-state governments)
Religious orders matters: Church “ecclesiastical” matters
Roman College of Senators renamed: College of Cardinals
Magistrate of College of Senators renamed: Dean of College of Cardinals
Departments of the Roman Senatorial Curia renamed: Congregations
Political Ambassador renamed: Pro-Nuncio (highest civil ambassador sent to other governements, i.e. Washington DC, London etc.)
If a government has not signed a treaty with Rome which makes the Romans the head of the foreign country as certified in the Roman Code of Canon Law. This rebel nation which has no official ties has an ambassador called an Apostolic Delegate. The United States and the United Kingdom never allowed the Vatican to serve as their legal head until President Reagan quickly signed into law on January 10, 1984. This Treaty for the very first time in U.S. history recognized full diplomatic relations between the United States and the Vatican State.
In 1534 when the United Kingdom realized that the Treaty with the Vatican City-State made them subject to all the Popes rules they voided the treaty. Formal diplomatic relations between England and Vatican State were broken. Full diplomatic relations with the Pope’s Vatican State were never restored for 448 years until 1982.
The stage is set for the next 9/11 (2021)
Avengers: Infinity War & Dr. Strange - replete with gnostic, Luciferian and cabalistic themes
A New Venezuelan ID, Created With China's ZTE, Tracks Citizen Behavior (2018)
Chinese telecoms giant ZTE is helping Venezuela build a system that monitors citizen behavior through a new identification card. The "fatherland card," already used by the government to track voting, worries many in Venezuela and beyond. [Full article]
‘Clinton death list’: 33 most intriguing cases
People beaten to death or murdered in a hail of bullets? And what about violent freak accidents – like separate mountain biking and skiing collisions in Aspen, Colorado? Or barbells crushing a person's throat? Apparently, if you’re Bill or Hillary Clinton, the answer to that question is at least 34 – and possibly many more. [Full article]