A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: terror

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness - Fiona Barnett

A sin of utter contempt is to lie about your neighbour, to bear false witness knowing that you are lying. It is a very terrible sin. The trouble is, when a liar lies, very often only the liar and the accused know the truth. Fiona Barnett endured satanic ritual abuse as a child at the hands of famous and powerful people. Barnett has dedicated her life telling the truth and exposing these demons in human form. This is her story.

WEF Insider Reveals the ‘New 9/11’ Will be a ‘Global Famine’

The global elites are planning another false flag worse than 9/11 according to a World Economic Forum insider who claims the “systemic shock” caused by a devastating “global famine” will allow the elite to usher in mechanisms granting them tyrannical control over humanity.

Governments in the WEF-infiltrated European Union have been ordered to engage in wargames which simulate the upcoming global food crisis, according to the insider who warns the false flag will hit later in 2024 – and when it hits, it will hit hard.

Preparations for the elite’s false flag and power grab are underway and if you have been paying attention you can already see evidence of the deception everywhere you look.

The Murder of Gonzalo Lira (1968-2024)

"We only have a finite amount of time to live our lives. Focus on the things you can control, and focus on the things you enjoy. The time you have is the only time you’re ever going to get. No matter how much money you have, or the connections you have, there’s nobody to talk to, there’s nobody to pay, you can’t get any more time." - Gonzalo Lira Jr.

Mystery Babylon the Documentary - What They do Not Want You to Know

"Come out of her" It's not a casual suggestion. It's a command, not just to Christians, but to all the people of the earth. Come out of it or perish in it. It is a choice everyone must make, and it is a choice that will determine your eternal destiny... or perhaps indicate what you have chosen.

The Sons of Ishmael - Bill Pinto

Upon conceiving her son to Abraham, the angel of the God prophesied to Hagar that Ishmael "will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him, and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren” - Genesis 16:12

In the life of Ishmael, there is no record of this prophecy being fulfilled. Among his descendants, however, we observe an unmistakable fulfilment of this prophecy.

Join brother Bill as he traces the lineage of the great nation that arose from the loins of Ishmael, the rise of the religion connected to this son of Abraham, and the pivotal role his descendants will play in the final events of Bible prophecy.

Ethylene Oxide (EO) – Medical Devices - Polymerisation

Volodymyr Zelensky Visits Canada and asks Marina Abramovic to be Ambassador for Ukraine

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently visited Canada and he along with his host Justin Trudeau were greeted at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto to angry Canadians booing and shouting in displeasure of this alliance.

Trudeau vowed to pledge $650M more in funding to support Ukraine’s war effort on top of the already $9.5B that has already been contributed.

Meanwhile Zelenskyy recently invited the infamous satanist "artist" Marina Abramovic to be an ambassador for Ukraine so that she can “help the children affected by rebuilding schools and such."

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the ongoing Ukraine/Russia war that Canada has no business being involved in while also showing who the true aggressors really are and have been all along…Hint, it starts with NA and ends with TO.