Truth behind Google and Agenda 21 and the future of a sinister military state with everyone chipped and under control and the redesign of the human genome.
Posts for Tag: television
The “Hollywood witches” are rising (2018)
Secret history of the Order of the Illuminati
Gloria Steinem - feminist spy for the CIA
H.A.A.R.P., Agenda 21 and Google’s role in the sinister DNA plan (2013)
Angelina Jolie admits attending illuminati sacrifice in leaked video
Water wars: manufactured drought to cause food shortages and climate totalitarianism
The water wars have begun: the State is simply turning off the water to farms and ranches, depriving them of water needed to grow food and raise animals.
This will create food shortages by design, in order to then point at the massive problem and declare, "It's global warming! We need climate lockdowns!
We must move to absolute zero carbon emissions! We have to take away private ownership of cars! You have to eat fake meat and move to post-animal economy!
The story is the same across the nation, and indeed the world. But who is behind these water wars? Christian explores the WEF's "Global Water Initiative," an agenda to centralize and privatize control over the world's water supply, and how these engineered droughts are the linchpin in the climate agenda and the takeover of food.
Charlie Ward and David Weiss on flat earth theory
The stage is set for Satan's great delusion (2021)
The technocratic takeover decoded - Alison McDowell
In this stunning Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian is joined by Alison McDowell, a mother and researcher studying the World Economic Forum's "4th Industrial Revolution": the global takeover of industries and public policies by central banks, multinational corporations, big tech technocrats, and billionaire-funded foundations. Alison is uniquely capable of distilling the agendas at play, the actors involved, and the language they use into real-world terms. Today we do exactly that: digital twinning, human capital bonds, impact investing -- these are terms we must understand to appreciate the world the technocrats are constructing, and how digital systems are being constructed using blockchain and AI that will surveil and control everything from your food, your health, your children, and our future.