Prime Minister Scott Morrison is well aware he is unable to lawfully mandate vaccination or conscription of any medical procedure. Therefore as Professor Zimmerman explains the entire Covid response has been and is unlawful. Cairnsnews fervently hopes the people will rise up in any manner or form but especially to start legal proceedings against nearly every politician in Australia. None of them have any protection at Common Law and their statutes are simply corporate policies which have no meaning or effect upon the natural citizens of Australia. [Full article]
Posts for Tag: television
Mass psychosis - how an entire population becomes mentally ill
Professor Augusto Zimmerman warns government Covid measures are unlawful
Anti-Christ set to appear in Third Temple?
Evidence the ‘Third Temple’ is being prepared and the implications of these talks in Jerusalem.
The second coming of Jesus by David Wilkerson
The truth about V for Vendetta mask
Vitamin D and prevention of chronic diseases
How spike proteins from COVID-19 injections kill
Dr. Hoffe explains the mechanism of action of spike proteins produced after a COVID-19 shot. [Full video]
Full interview "The Persecution of Canadian Physicians by Organized Medicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic". Featuring Dr. Chris Milburn, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Francis Christian and Dr. Roger Hodkinson.