The World Economic Forum’s “Investing in Forests” program sounds great - who doesn’t want to plant more trees? But behind its philanthropic appeal lies a global surveillance grid, monitoring all activity on the planet - just as prescribed by Agenda 2030 and their 4th Industrial Revolution. Christian shares an unreleased document and reveals the truth in this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast.
Posts for Tag: technocracy
WEF's "Invest in Forests" exposed: global surveillance grid
The technocratic takeover decoded - Alison McDowell
In this stunning Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian is joined by Alison McDowell, a mother and researcher studying the World Economic Forum's "4th Industrial Revolution": the global takeover of industries and public policies by central banks, multinational corporations, big tech technocrats, and billionaire-funded foundations. Alison is uniquely capable of distilling the agendas at play, the actors involved, and the language they use into real-world terms. Today we do exactly that: digital twinning, human capital bonds, impact investing -- these are terms we must understand to appreciate the world the technocrats are constructing, and how digital systems are being constructed using blockchain and AI that will surveil and control everything from your food, your health, your children, and our future.
Hyperinflation within 7 months?
There will be forced vaccines for anyone traveling
This “mystery” of lawlessness is the force of evil, working through financiers, governors, majors, and other politicians. There is a demonic force at work behind all of this - the hijacking of the Covid-19 virus to create a pandemic of fear, the destruction of economies around the world to remove security and life support from millions, and now the violent protests designed to flame the fires of hatred among people. [Read article]
Dr. Steven Baker speaks again, stay away from the vaccinated, this is the 2021 version of leprosy
Some doctors, schools & stores now refuse to admit the vaccinated
Brain hacking for the one world religion
As technology becomes more and more invasive into our lives, it's inevitable that we will see a new spirituality emerge equipped with the assistance of the latest algorithms and hacks. But is the spirituality new? In my opinion, no it's not. What is emerging is strangely familiar for those who study the mystery schools.
Antichrist infrastructure: the rise of A.I., the fall of mankind - Anthony Patch
Mirrored from, and all credit to, SGTreport channel.
All social media from Facebook to Google (YouTube), was started by the Department of Defense (DOD) and DARPA to scan, monitor, mine, and aggregate information from and about all of us - our personal lives, attitudes, personalities, likes/dislikes, etc., so that when A.I. is rolled out in its full capacity in the very near future, robots will be able to look and act just like us. They will mimic human emotion and reactions to daily life situations, while not ever having a soul of their own. Mimic is the operative word. This is part and parcel to the ultimate plan by the elites/NWO for robots to infiltrate, and then take over, the world. Sounds scary, and it is. But, those of us who are saved by Jesus Christ and covered in His blood must fear not what is to come. He has our backs and will never forsake us. We are His children.
To those who are not saved and living for self, I implore you urgently to please seek and find salvation through Jesus now. He is the only way to eternal salvation. He is the way, the truth, and the life. No man or woman can or will get to the Most High God and enter the Kingdom of Heaven except through Him. Please do not allow your soul to be damned to hell for eternity because of arrogance or ignorance. Simply being "a good person" is not enough. You must repent of your sins and ask Jesus Christ into your heart and life. It's really that simple. He loves you more than you can imagine. He suffered terribly and died for you and me on that cross. Come judgment day, it will be too late if you do not find salvation through Him. Your soul and where it ends up is not a joke or a lighthearted matter. These people who run and rule the world via their god, Satan, are pure evil and we are nothing but cockroaches to be squashed by them. They view us as merely disposable servants to them. We all live in a matrix, also known as the Beast System. Lucifer runs everything...for now...but the Most High God is still in charge..always has been, and always will be.
The Dimming is pleased to announce the release of their groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global weather intervention operations.
Global weather engineering operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told. Who is responsible for carrying out these programs? What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed? The Dimming documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more. This is the most complete documentary regarding climate engineering operations. Thank you for viewing and for notifying others of The Dimming film release.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.