A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: synthetic food

NWO maggots Biden & Kerry announce food shortages: food supply takeover accelerates

Bread & circuses keep the masses asleep, and they are taking away the bread. 

As Biden announces food shortages are coming - prompting many to go stock up, and likely necessitating food rationing - two massive attacks are being perpetrated against our food supply: a “bird flu” epidemic is sweeping Europe and the US, again fueled by PCR tests, forcing mass depopulation of poultry & “backyard flocks.” 

And farms contaminated with PFAS are being shut down as it is finally revealed that the “Biosludge” applied to farms (including organic!) was the equivalent of salting the Earth to destroy food production. In this Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian breaks it down and explores what is going to happen next: a great awakening.

"Brace for rationing" - food crisis escalates

The food crisis is escalating: more countries are halting exports, but even as the EU converges a food crisis meeting, they refuse to relax restrictions on farmers. Similarly, the US is not waiving biofuel mandates even as grain prices explode. 

Christian explains that this crisis is needed to advance the agenda, and reiterates the priorities for your victory garden to insulate your family and community from this worldwide food crisis. Start growing today.

Paul Anthony Taylor on the danger to health freedom from the Codex Alimentarius project

Informative and detailed presentation from Paul Anthony Taylor, Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, on the grave dangers to health freedom and health choice of the UN's Codex Alimentarius project, run by way of the Codex Alimentarius Commission through the FAO and WHO. Focusing on their Guidelines on Vitamins and Minerals, Paul Taylor describes how vague definitions, demands for limiting amounts and requiring arbitrarily-decided RDAs - recommended daily amount - plus examining vitamins as if they are drugs, studying toxicity, and exempting countries who classify vitamins as drugs impact on health freedom choices on vitamins and minerals.

Since the standards relate to world trade rules and international law, the ways in which companies manufacturing and selling vitamins and mineral supplements across borders will be impacted.

A little-known subject, Paul Taylor recommends that everyone concerned about bodily autonomy and maintaining health freedom get more informed on this subject so they can act in the right ways in their own arenas of expertise to preserve health freedom for all, and take steps also to protect their own health.

No vax, no food, no fuel in India – food withheld to force vaccinations


Police won’t enforce the mandates! But they won’t need to, as groceries and fuel are being withheld from those who fail to get their shots in Aurangabad, India. As Henry Kissinger warned, “control food, and you control people.” 

Christian breaks down this development and the plan to incrementally restrict access to food and basic services everywhere. Protests aren’t helping; instead, build gardens, new healthcare, energy, and communications systems, and get off the toxic systems of control.

WEF warns: global warming to disrupt financial system, “freeze” bank accounts

In its latest predictive propaganda, the World Economic Forum asks, "What if extreme weather froze your bank account?" It is clear that deliberate interruptions to critical infrastructure are coming, and will be blamed on climate change in order to make the case that an imagined "climate disaster" requires carbon lockdowns and the totalitarian response for which the technocrats have been salivating for generations. Prepare for these disruptions - particularly to our food - now!

Farmers panic, unable to get supplies to grow food

Around the world, farmers are panicking as they are unable to get the supplies they need to produce food, from fertilizers to herbicides to tractor parts. India has setup a “War Room” for fertilizers after China stopped exports of DAP, prompting farmers to riot to obtain the product they need. 

Many nations are now limiting exports of food and these inputs, so that they may feed their own people. 

This was all foreseen by the Food Chain Reaction Game, which–like Event 201–announced this engineered crisis, and pre-scripted the solution. Christian breaks it down in this important Ice Age Farmer broadcast.