A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: swamp

The Canadian Government's War on Supplements

Constitutional Attorney & President of the Natural Health Products Protection Association, Shawn Buckley, LLB, warns Del of the Canadian government's war on vitamins and supplements via the introduction of extreme regulations designed to restrict access and raise the cost of natural products.

Hacked Dreams & Flight MH370 Mystery feat. Ashton Forbes

Tonight’s guest is Ashton Forbes (https://twitter.com/JustXAshton). Ashton is a citizen journalist who launched MH370x, an investigation into the mysterious 2014 disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. Tonight we are going to talk about how the mystery has only deepened since then for those who stuck with it, for it is a story that continues to lead researchers toward bigger questions about the nature of reality, high technology, and unidentified flying objects.

What is the New World Order?

'The Next Million Years' is an overlooked and forgotten elite text. It bears repeating: The plan is across the last hundred years to enact a singular technocratic entity that will run the world. In this video I give an overview of this important text, while the full lecture can be found at my website for subscribers.

Baal is back - demons in the deep state

Pastor Carl Gallups lends unique expertise to the correlations between ancient prophecy and modern headlines in Ground Zero: Jerusalem. 

In this episode, Pastor Carl unveils many disturbing ancient pagan practices and ceremonies being revived in our modern day cultures and governments.

Prophecy is foretold in the Bible — and fulfilled in today’s news. But America is not mentioned in the Bible, so can there be any true connections between modern America, Israel, and the end times?

In this series, you will learn how prophecy works, how modern America ties into ancient prophecy, why Israel is in the crosshairs, which countries to watch, and what’s about to happen next!