Try to wake up about the Covid-19 PLANdemic/SCAMdemic which is being used to usher in the new world order, economic reset, total enslavement of mankind, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the depopulation agenda. Research like your life depends on it, because it does. Do not take the mRNA experimental vaccine; it has nothing to do with a novel Coronavirus and everything to do with NWO control measures. Push back now, do not consent, just say no, and please wake.
Posts for Tag: subliminal message
Geert V. Bossche: whistleblower or trojan horse? COVID vax enhance zoonotic risk
It's here: first court case against mandatory vaccination: attorney interview
Old and useless: how governor Andrew Cuomo views people
Vaccine passports were always part of the plan
Socialism in San Bernardino, California: installing racism through the green new deal
The Shining - occult Hollywood symbolism decoded
How can a global conspiracy work?
Subliminal behaviour modification through TV, computer, described in US patents