A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: subliminal message

Is the Pentagon running a UFO psyop?

Clearly pilots and others are sincere in reporting anomalies, but why is only the US military having “close encounters”? Why not Russia, China or other countries? And, the space race competition between billionaires heats up.

Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth - Eric Dubay

“Let me begin this interview by stating that I have no attachment to the flat earth. I have no attachment to the oblate spheroid, and even to the sphere. If our home is any of these, so be it. I wouldn’t be surprised of any. What I continue to be surprised and suspicious of are the people who continue attacking those who simply ask questions. I recently attended a conference that deals with the most open minded topics you could possibly imagine. However, when it comes to the flat earth topic, it was a no no. Look, I can’t say I blame people for thinking this is the most absurd topic under the sun, or the firmament, rather, but you, open minded people who discuss aliens, UFOs, reptilians who rule the world, Bigfoot, and the rest of it, why do you continue telling people to stop looking into the flat earth? Those of you who study the pyramids and ancient civilizations, you venerate these ancient ones, and rightfully so, and some of these very ancient ones believed the earth was flat. Why do you then continue looking into their achievements if the notion of a flat earth is so absurd? Shouldn’t that discredit them too? And those of you who continue writing to me saying the ancient ones knew they lived on a sphere, how did they know? Perhaps they had advanced technology that allowed seeing the skies above. Just because you see sphere above you doesn’t prove you are standing on one. You can still play pool on a flat table and basketball on a flat court. Perhaps the psyop is questioning those who question the true shape of our plane(t).”-  Mel Fabregas