Posts for Tag: subliminal message
Dr. David Martin just ended CV-19, Fauci, DOJ, politicians in one interview: “they are knowingly injecting an agent of death”
Sinister Zombie Apocalypse Plans Exposed - BlackGooVax, Graphene Oxide, 5G
Banned in Britain Savile 9th circuit
This just jaw dropping production by Russell Burtons truly deserve’s recognition. Matt Wilks uploaded it with the Banned in Britain title to encourage more to view. The Heart of the British government have covered up these pedophiles for years, actually decades, lets not them forget, we know what you did and we will not stand silent.
A trip into the supernatural - Roger Morneau's full testimony
Roger Morneau was known through out the world for exposing how celebrities sell their soul for fame and fortune. He explains his experience in the world of dark arts and the dealings with JINN spirits to aid your wish - a very informative interview.
Once you sell your soul the expiration. Satan will come to collect his reward, while you have enjoyed all the fame and wealth you asked for the ultimate price which is your life.
MIT computer model predicts(-ed) dramatic drop in quality of life around 2020 and the 'end of civilization' around 2040 (2018)
Is humanity approaching a major turning point? A computer model that was originally developed in 1973 by a group of scientists at MIT is warning that things are about to dramatically change. If the computer predictions are accurate, our standard of living will start to decline dramatically around the year 2020, and we will witness the “end of civilization” around the year 2040. Of course this is not the first time ominous predictions such as this have been made about our future. For years, experts have been warning that we are heading for severe shortages of water, food and oil as our limited natural resources begin to run out. For years, experts have been warning that our economic model is not sustainable and that we are heading for a historic collapse. For years, experts have been warning about the alarming increase in seismic activity all over the planet and about the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Society is crumbling all around us, and the elements for a “perfect storm” are definitely coming together. [Full article]