Eyes Wide Shut was not the movie Kubrick intended audiences to see. The studio cut 24 minutes from the film, and just few days later, the legendary filmmaker was dead. What was in those 24 minutes? And what happens at the real masked parties?
Posts for Tag: subliminal message
Revelation of the method: for those with eyes to see - Owen Benjamin
Owen Benjamin returns to SGT Report for a conversation about good versus evil, the revelation of the method, the war against humanity, and his new documentary 'Building Beartaria'.
* The revelation of the method is the way the elite program us to accept their control. By telling us what they will do before they do it, they create fear and paranoia. They also believe that because we have been told, we are accepting their chains that bind us.
VW CEO: "green" grid unable to even build EV batteries
EU's suicidal death spiral over climate MacGuffin.
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Papal knights serve The Jesuit Order
CIA employees get away with pedophilia - nobody is talking and nobody is acting on this
CIA personnel are above the law, beneath contempt.
Bombshell: Balenciaga pedo agenda exposed
Balenciaga is a high end luxury and fashion brand that sells ridiculously expensive items and clothing. Their new holiday gifting campaign is trying to sell something but it’s not clothing…it’s sex with children.
Psychiatric drugs killing more users than heroin, cocaine, say health experts (2017)
Health professionals are sounding the alarm over the heightened risk of death linked to the use of psychiatric drugs – particularly benzodiazepine – which was highlighted in a pair of Vancouver-based studies published this month.
Benzodiazepine (BZD) is a class of psychiatric medications known as “tranquillizers” which can reduce the body’s drive to breathe and are used to treat anxiety, sleep disorders, seizures, and other conditions. They include commonly prescribed drugs such as Valium, Xanax, and Ativan. [Full article]