What did they see? The great awakening? Their own demise? This was recorded over a decade ago I believe by Project Camelot. What makes it incredible are the events described are unfolding on the planet today.
Posts for Tag: souled out
Military Insider on ‘Looking Glass’ - the Elite Panicked When They Saw the Future
What are They Hiding Under the Silver Lake?
Advice to Men: Reject Sex, Parties, and Fame. Embrace God Instead.
If you remember Tucker Max from his books about drunken womanizing, you may be shocked to find out what he’s doing now. Watch more here: https://watchtcn.co/49CDF2t
Signing Their Name in Blood: You won't Believe What They did for Fame and Money
If you are a fan of an TV or sports personality, this may be hard for you to view. They don’t get there on talent or luck alone. They have help from the dark side. It is a one way street. They cannot go back.
Billy Eilish, Epstein & the Luciferian agenda (2019)
Billy Eilish is celebrated as a genius for her Satanic lyrics and Luciferian imagery. The all out assault on our culture has reached a fevered pitch.
Soon people will line up like lemmings to get their brains hacked
What happens when you don’t stay in the prescribed swim lane?
Being Famous & the Masonic Luciferian Contract
Want to be a star? Want to be famous? Here is what you have to do… this video exposes the satanic contracts that bind Hollywood to Satan.