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Posts for Tag: silver

Operation Choke Point 2.0

The spectre of Operation Choke Point 2.0 has just been raised in a recent House Financial Services Committee meeting. But what was Operation Choke Point 1.0? And why should we be concerned about this latest attempt to de-bank "disfavoured individuals," anyway? Find out all the details in this week's edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

C O N T A G I O N: red alert emergency broadcast

It has begun. A global banking contagion designed to bring us all to our knees so that we accept the new central bank digital currency which would mark the end of human freedom around the world. David Jensen joins SGT Report to uncover the truth about this diabolically evil plot, and the solution that's staring us in the face.

What the media won't tell you about the Silicon Valley Bank collapse

Silicon Valley Bank: There’s a lot of confusion around this situation, and I don’t want anyone to be confused so I’m going to explain the SVB collapse, how it happened, point to some similar events that have occurred in the past, and discuss what it means for the future of our financial system here in the United States.

Bank of England: CBDC certain, but deceives on timeframe

Tony Arterburn, WiseWolf.gold, sanctions are an act of war - do you know how many countries we have sanctions against? And that's not counting the people of USA & EU who are paying the real price of Russian sanctions. Update on state of CBDC in UK and Nigeria.

Explaining ACChain, Lynette Zang, crypto currency and the Mark of the Beast

In the last few weeks major events have unfolded around crypto currencies that clearly show that we are on our way to a New World Order One World Currency…and it’s digital. Some are saying that this is the Mark of the Beast System.

Signs include plans of the IMF to use a vehicle called the SDR that will be pegged to a digital currency using the ACChain quantum computing platform.  If you don’t understand what any of this means, that’s okay! This show is meant for beginners to the world of crypto currency. Tivon and Naima do a full breakdown explaining definitions and terms from top to bottom in a way we hope an average person can understand.