A State Of Truth

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Posts for Tag: science

CERN Watch: HEXEN 2.0 Exposed - Art Bridges Occult Mysticism And science

Forbes is reporting on the latest winners of the Arts at CERN program where selected artists get to reside at CERN to create their next art project. While such a program seems like an innocent way to create a vibrant community of creatives to collaborate in unique ways, there might be a deeper spiritual agenda at play. In my humble opinion, “art” is being used a bridge to connect modern science to the occult mysteries. This is a fascinating development as materialism continues to fail both philosophy and science.

Satan’s global lie - the truth of God’s enclosed flat earth

The biggest lie in the world! Could it be true? What if everything that NASA & Science has taught you about the earth, sun, moon, stars & space was a lie? What is Satan wanted to destroy the foundations of God’s Word with perverting the truth of the enclosed flat earth we live in from the very start? It might sound crazy but take the journey and study this topic because it might be the most shocking truth you’ve ever discovered about the world you live in. Open your Bible and read all the verses describing God’s creation again. 

Scriptures concerning the nature of the heavens/sky above and their relationship to the earth: Job 9:8, Job 22:14, Job 37:18.