Posts for Tag: rich
Something strange about Ghislaine Maxwell’s arrest
How they put the 'magic' in movies (2020)
Defund meat: the new plan to end meat by stripping credit/capital
Silver thieves & the den of thieves
What is the real agenda behind the effort to defund & dismantle police?
Many are afraid to ask these questions because they may be labeled a racist, for daring to question the legitimacy of the groups who seem to defy the rule of law with complete immunity from the judicial system. At the same time they receive the endorsement of political leaders, celebrities and mega corporations. In this report Spiro is joined by Rosa Koire, a top expert on the United Nations Agenda 21 who authored the book titled ‘Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21′ Spiro and Rosa Koire discuss and break down how the United Nations’ long standing global governance agendas are materializing before our eyes hidden just beneath the veil of global crisis and social injustice.
Mr. Deep State: George Soros & the George Floyd analysis
George Floyd’s family asks United Nations to disarm police in U.S.
The family of George Floyd, the black man killed while in police custody in Minneapolis on Memorial Day, has sent a letter to the globalist United Nations to ask for its help in disarming police officers in the United States of America. [Full article]
An Irishman talks about wanking bankers