Today's key text in 10 minutes comes from Charles Galton Darwin, his important work promoting the Darwinian ethos as projected into the next million years - yes, million. This book is Brave New World on steroids.
Posts for Tag: repentance
The Next Million Years - Global Elite Text in 10 Minutes - Jay Dyer
Luciferian Groomers Bigoted Trannies
They've "come out". A "gay conservative" offers an insight into the mindset of "radical queers" who seek to overthrow every institution and aspect of culture.
What is Biblical Cosmology?
What do we mean by 'Biblical Cosmology'? Scripture describes our earth, its face, its pillars, and the firmament. If we were able to behold these descriptions, what would it look like? What is above it, below it, and all around it? This video shows us a view of Biblical cosmology, faithful to Scripture.
Satanic clubs: government school by another name
Are after school Satan Clubs more dangerous than what happens during school? Are the clubs protected as free exercise of religion? Why are you & I on the hook to pay for indoctrination with which we disagree? Is that the establishment of a religion? Is that what schools are?
Self-governing neural networks
Detransitioners warnings: they are going through living hell
And they are doing this to young children. The sick bastards doing this to children need to be tossed into a pit of fire.
Harvard study: demons in graphene = low frequency plasmon study
Artificial Intelligence (AI) - a defamation & disinfo machine
We've been told that AI is hallucinogenic. It should have license to just make things up. Now it's not just pushing government narratives about pandemics and climate but libelling law professors and labelling innocent people as convicted criminals. Will anything slow down the race between search engine competitors to incorporate it? How about some lawsuits? Who's responsible for its lies in a world when government labels everyone they disagree with as disinfo agents.