A State Of Truth

The Purpose Of This Page Is To Take Away Your Illusions

Posts for Tag: reality

When does the narrative replace reality?

As context is very important for all videos; this message is to confirm that the purpose of this video is reporting on or documenting the content. Note that we make an effort to research for context and cite our sources when necessary.

CERN Watch: HEXEN 2.0 Exposed - Art Bridges Occult Mysticism And science

Forbes is reporting on the latest winners of the Arts at CERN program where selected artists get to reside at CERN to create their next art project. While such a program seems like an innocent way to create a vibrant community of creatives to collaborate in unique ways, there might be a deeper spiritual agenda at play. In my humble opinion, “art” is being used a bridge to connect modern science to the occult mysteries. This is a fascinating development as materialism continues to fail both philosophy and science.

All America’s wars begin with false flags (and WWIII will too) (2016)

This D.C. think tank jerk off blatantly admitted all of America’s wars have traditionally begun with false flag events, and they know they will need another one to get the war with Iran started that they’ve been working on for so long.

This video is a few years old now, but it’s more relevant today with what’s going on in the Middle East than ever. They don’t teach you this in school, kids, but whatever happens over there, just realise how absolutely manufactured all of it is.